Very rarely do you go to a blog that consistently delivers grade A piffery, well thats not the case for The Araab Parrot. In my short and tedious search to find a photographer to write a my report on, all i could think of was Terry Richardson and Estevan Oriol. But that felt too cliche for me, so i searched on. Finally my dumbass remembered The Arab Parrot blog which documents street life straight Gorilla style. He uses all film camera, (sometimes even disposable if needed) which gives it that very gritty street vibe. Although all of the pictures don't scream out artistic eliteness, the blog is full of images that just capture moments that should never be forgotten. And if you don't like art you can still visit site and watch what 24 hours of pure partying looks like, and you will defiantly find a few celebrity famous lurking in there. I don't know but someone needs to give this guy a photoshoot.... it's long over due.....Spread the Chuck Norris Word

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