I keep my blog rants and venting too a minimum but after watching The-Dream's "Rocking That Thang Remix" video on BET I must talk about the over censoring now a days. It's getting out of hand with all these censorships. I'm all for censoring foul language and provocative images, but when you start blocking out smoking (I'm against tobacco and cigarettes, but that's their choice), clothing, teams, brands and even words that are not curse words it's going to far. First of all I don't see any reason why you would block out brand names (clothes, liquor etc...) because there is nothing offensive about it and it doesn't hurt any one. I know that it's advertising something that their company doesn't own, but WHAT THE HELL, let other have some shine!!!!!!! What i have the BIGGEST problem with is censoring the words that have may insinuate inappropriate behavior, but go about it in artistic way, without using foul language. What is so bad about hearing "I'll treat you like the first lady I'll put by Barack in Ya "? NOTHING!!!! Yea he's our president but let Juelz express himself god damn it. And most importantly this is super annoying when I'm watching a video and their is blurry spots everywhere and like random moments of silence here and there. So to all music video channels, STOP censoring these videos it's super annoying!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!